Hi welcome to this *new* column that will appear every now and again. These inserts are from sales personnel in Apple or computer retail outlets. For the obvious reasons some names and information have been withheld, we don’t want to get anyone the sack.
Jamie, Apple Retail
Last week a chap comes in. He says his 'brother' bought an iMac and he bought him a copy of Encarta and it didn't work!
He was really giving one of my colleagues earache. He hadn't bought his iMac from PC World but was still as mad as hell. I had to point out that if it says "windows' on the box then it's windows software, if it says Mac OS then it's for the Mac. Considering that it was his 'brother' who bought the machine he was getting very worked up.
Anyway, I calmed him down and gave a list of famous Mac users... Sir Paul McCartney, Douglas Adams, George Micheal, all of the national newspapers etc. Then I sold him a copy of MacFormat, pointing out that there were 2 CD ROMs on the cover packed full of freeware, demos and shareware.
My parting shot was:
'Don't worry, your brother hasn't spent £999 on a lemon. He's bought an Apple' (!) ;-)
Henry, London
Even Mac users try to pull fast ones.
We had a guy who bought a second hand PPC off us. We fit new RAM to ALL our reconditioned Mac’s, anyways after a week he brought it back and said the RAM was faulty. I was the person who fitted the first RAM a 2x16meg selection. The repair was carried out on my day off while the guy was waiting [as the techs had nothing better to do]. Two weeks latter he’s back.
Same problem, only this time I was the person who had to fit the RAM for the third time. When I opened the machine the SIMMs were not what we stock! The guy had been swapping his friends old and cheep SIMMs for our brand new ones??
Anonymous, Leeds
A chap bought an iMac just so his 'photographic' company could use Quicktime VR. He was so evasive about what he was taking pictures of that it just had to be, you know, 'glamour' photography.
CJ, London
Sales of the iMac are quite good but Packard-Bell are still the top selling brand by a huge margin.
If you sell Mac’ s and something made you laugh, cry or wonder what the worlds coming to you can always tell us.